Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Maytrx Alignment Marks and Pins, when to use them.

 I am frequently asked "Do I need pins for my Maytrx project?". The answer depends on the project. The Maytrx pins only provide a setback guide and a place to hold the Geogrid when pulling it back and staking it tight as you build the wall. The stones themselves create the structural interlock by creating a downforce on the stones below them that is multiplied as layers are added, this is part of the calculation an engineer will use in designing a retaining wall. When the Maytrx stone system is used in projects other than retaining walls the use of pins is normally optional when building freestanding and small Landscape walls although it can be handy to maintain the correct setback. The pages below will give a good view of the three different walls that are normally built and when the pins are needed in the Maytrx System. Note: The Maytrx System is one of the few wall systems that include visual alignment for both vertical and setback configurations.

Note: Cambridge Maytrx is available in 6" and 3" heights, they offer a larger Stretcher stone to add to the Maytrx 6 system, Caps and Columns as well as hundreds of precut outdoor living kits in many colors and textures that match these stones..Cambridge Maytrx System

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